Friday, October 16, 2009

Midnight Madness

Tonight is Midnight Madness... that means the official start of the college basketball season! And yes, that means it's blogging time again. Last year was year 1, and it was a lot of fun running this blog. I felt like it kept me in tune with the college basketball season from November all the way through March, which was the ultimate goal. However, as my time became more limited heading into spring semester, I stopped posting consistently, and with my schedule, if you give away time dedicated to blogging about college basketball, it ain't coming back. So I have a few goals in mind that I think will help me to blog consistently and accurately.

One of the big things I did was a featured games of the week post every Sunday. It was pretty much a list of a bunch of big games happening during the upcoming week. While it recieved good feedback, it became more difficult to write as the season went on due to the increasing length. So my goal this year is to keep it simple. The first few weeks will have separate posts for the upcoming week and for the weekend. Hopefully this will separate the Saturday/Sunday games and allow me to post those when I have available time (like Friday night/Saturday morning) and the weekday games, which aren't as clustered, can be done before the week starts when my schedule becomes busier.

My other goal is to consistently blog throughout the year. Spring semester was pretty rough last year, and it became difficult to blog consistently. This year I feel like if I start with a smaller workload in the blog, I can gain momentum as the season progresses (much like a college basketball team!) and by the end of the season, I will have consistent, fairly in-depth coverage of the entire nation. That's probably a pipe dream, but I gotta aim big. This is my sport. I love talking college basketball, gathering information, projecting tournament scenarios, everything about the sport. I want it to be my focus from November to March. That and the Blackhawks. And the Bears while they're good.

So that's the general plan. I'm currently working on conference previews for all the major conferences and one for the top mid-major schools. I'm looking to have that out by the start of the season. Oh, and one more thing: ESPN is having another one of those "24 Hours of College Basketball" things on Nov. 17th. My goal be up all night watching those games, and maybe blogging at the same time. It's gonna be sweet. So enjoy the start of the best sport in America!! College basketball baby!!!